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Summer school "3D experience...
BRIGHT International Summer School on: "3D experience platform for medical applications" is organized by Juraj Dobrila University of Pula (Croatia) in cooperation with BRIGHT consortium experts that are coming from different European Technical Universities (TU of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), TU Poznan (Poland), Univ of Nis (Serbia) and STU Bratislava (Slovakia) and two SMEs (BIZZCOM s.r.o. of Slovakia and B.M Plast d.o.o of Croatia) under the frame of ERASMUS KA 226 BRIGHT project.

Invited lecture by doc. dr. sc....
As part of the BRIGHT project, a virtually invited lecture will be given by doc. dr. sc. Dubravko Manestar, MD, specialist in otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery on Wednesday, September 29th, starting at 3 p.m. The topic of the lecture will be "Covid 19 pandemic and 3D printing: application in otorhinolaryngology. Link to the Zoom:

Author: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
Project partner B.M.Plast visited...
Representatives of the project partner B.M. PLAST d.o.o. Senka and Mate Babić visited  Juraj Dobrila University of Pula within the BRIGHT project. On behalf of the project team of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Assoc. Prof. Sven Maričić , general project manager and Kristina Hlavati Bertoncelj, mag.oec., expert associate on the project hosted them.   

Author: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
BRIGHT International Summer School...
In the frame of ERASMUS KA 226 – BRIGHT project, in the period 19th-30th of July 2021, at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania will be organized an International summer school in the field of "3d printing for medical applications". The international Summer school will be organized at very practical level, beside the Higher Education Institutions being involved other important companies that are activating in the field of 3D printing or companies that are using Virtual Reality/Augmented reality in close connection with this topic, as well as public institutions and organizations, which are directly interested about the solutions that are proposed in the BRIGHT project to support medical institutions in fighting against the pandemic.

Author: Ivica Petrinić
Kick-off meeting of the BRIGHT...
The initial meeting of the international project consortium BRIGHT was held on March 19th 2021. The project has been approved for funding for a period of three years under the Erasmus + program, Key action Strategic Partnership. The total project budget is EUR 187.480,00 EUR, and for the University of Pula the budget is 30.667,00 EUR.